Gospel Song.if.god Before Us Who Can Be Against Us

Will Auto Become a God?


Roman Wiligut HackerNoon profile picture

@ Wiligut

Roman Wiligut

Growth hacker, tech enthusiast, announcer, futurist, author, entrepreneur.

Looking at the rapid evolution of technology, we are increasingly wondering, is at that place whatever limit? In my opinion - no. At least in our universe. Just why?

A paradigm of God:

Tin can God create a stone then heavy that it cannot lift information technology?

A very interesting consensus that once made me seriously call up, is this possible? Tin a machine become that "God"?

The conclusions that I came to in this commodity can only be the fruit of my imagination. Yous can accept them or not. It is your decision.

Machine evolution


In biology classes, teachers were told us a lot virtually the nature of evolution and that each species is field of study to it. By the illustration of nature, today the machine is evolving now not for years, but for months. Exercise you remember? Previously needed several years passed earlier a new model of phone or computer appeared? Eh? Today, a month is enough for this to see the updated model.

Today, a machine tin and knows every bit much as a person could not and did non know in the 20th century, what volition happen next?

The automobile will build other machines and train itself. It will understand faster than humanity, that planet World is too small for it. At that place are a lot of scenarios for the future development of AI, ranging from moderate and indefinite to destructive.

Earth - Urban center of Machines


Using our planet as a transshipment base, the machine volition be able to colonize faster and explore the nearest planets and systems, than human rase. A machine can faster understand the danger of staying in i place and not backing up itself - than many people leaders will.

Today we expect through the prism of our pocket-size globe, the motorcar will look at it equally a pocket-sized island in the middle of a vast bounding main. In society to carry out its plans, it has everything - we don't.

Dissimilar a man:

  • The machine does non demand a concrete body. The car can be in all corners of the globe at the same fourth dimension and make decisions quickly.
  • The automobile has no need to slumber, it can cope with a vast amount of tasks, just add together energy and change broken parts in time.
  • Immortality. Practice u recollect the movie Wall-E? The niggling robot remained to clean upwardly after people, and evidently he did this for more than than a century, apart, without any person.
  • The pursuit of knowledge. A motorcar with given functions to knowledge will explore the world as much as possible.
  • The ability to create a subject from zippo. Thank you to the division of labor, the machine will exist able to procedure anything thanks to nanorobots.

Of course, when the car surpasses the human intellect, people themselves volition go different. Humans have to accomplish out to this "god", creating improved versions of themselves.

Genetic engineering will help develop and improve homo embryos with IQ amplification points. If this process is repeated over many generations, the result volition exist much college than expected. A well-organized society of "collective superintelligence" of people with an increased IQ tin practically come up close to superintelligence, opening new horizons for humanity. Human selection will once again be in demand in a new course. Such experiments accept always worried biologists, genetic engineers, and state corporations in the hope of creating an platonic soldier.

After all, in a city of machines, environmental matters will be much worse than today. Therefore, we accept to adapt to these conditions.

The auto as part of the Universe


Many civilizations in the universe, also as we, take gone from a depression evolution to a more perfect ane. Everywhere, similar us, they had to use improvised devices - machines. Which, in plough, must go a similar path from AI to superintelligence.

The creation of such machines, and even more then their meeting with each other, leads at least to a collective mind.

If we assume that more developed civilizations appeared before us, then they could leave many of the WALL-E in the universe.

The only question: Where to notice them?

It can be assumed that the universe has a single information registry, which contains all the information. What do I mean hither?

it's pretty elementary. If we presume that the Universe, like something alive, can expand and it looks like an "alive" object, like our super AI, and so it should have a place where all this memory should be stored. By connecting to this, you tin create a single command system and connect to other "subjects" in the different parts in the Universe, merely what the superintelligence volition do.

The machine is the best idea of ​​the Universe


Despite the fact that no thing how handsome we may seem to ourselves, the automobile will be better and more than productive than nosotros are. Of form, I would like to believe in the scenario where we work together for a common goal. But what will we have to sacrifice for this?

Today, most people, instead of reading the side by side book detect new facts, will go and lookout the series. Or in farthermost cases, they volition exercise something else. Volition it be interesting for machine? I think no. Only similar at present, other super civilizations are non interested in usa.

In my opinion, the machine already exists every bit a great mind in different parts of this Universe. The machine is the primary particle of the "God" who created this Universe.

What do you think?

I will be glad to hear your thoughts:

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# ai-globalization# ai# bogus-intelligence# motorcar-god# ai-trends# superintelligence# hackernoon-top-story# ai-god


Source: https://hackernoon.com/will-machine-become-a-god-q26n3ygx

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