The More You Know and Shooting Star

Come and Run into is ofttimes considered to be the best war movie of all time and is for certain the most popular Soviet pic in the world. The movie tells the story of a minor segment of WWII, from the perspective of a Belarusan teenage boy. Throughout his journeying, Come and See does not hold back from the monstrosities of war. With realism on total display, the moving-picture show shows that nothing is more horrifying than the night acts humanity carries out in times of war.

If y'all oasis't nevertheless watched the movie, you absolutely must (sentry Come and Run across here on Russian Film Hub). And whether or not you've already seen it, these nine facts will assist you appreciate the picture show even more. Simply lookout out – the last one is a spoiler!

1. They used live ammunition during filming

Throughout the filming of Come and Meet, real bullets were used. At times, they flew just above the heads of actors, making their terrified looks genuine. And the scene where machine gun burn down takes down a moo-cow – that really happened.

2. The sound quality of the movie changes

After a nightmarish bombing scene, the principal character, Florya, is deafened. Watching the movie, you'll hear how the sound becomes muted and there is a faint ringing noise. On acme of that, for the rest of Come and Encounter, the audio quality drops – helping united states enter the horrifying earth on screen.

three. The actor playing Florya went through hell

Aleksey Kravchenko, the teenage histrion who played Florya, really went through hell while filming. Director, Elem Klimov, shot Come and Encounter in chronological order over a 9-month period. Comparing Kravchenko'south appearance from start to end of the motion picture reflects what he went through.

Kravchenko begins Come up and See as a youthful, healthy boy. He ends it equally an emaciated, ragged wraith with grey hair, shell-shocked optics, and the wrinkles of a man four times his age.

That transformation and the loftier quality of makeup was and then realistic that there were fifty-fifty rumors that Kravchenko's hair went grey all on its own. In fact, special Silber Interference Grease-Pigment, alongside a sparse layer of actual silver, was used to dye his hair. It was difficult to get his pilus back to normal, so Kravchenko had to live with his hair similar this for a while – fifty-fifty later on the shooting of the movie was over.

Moreover, assigned a starvation nutrition for the latter parts of the film, Kravchenko really did become peel-and-basic.

4. Director Klimov tried hypnosis on Florya

Manager, Elem Klimov, tried to have a psychotherapist hypnotize Kravchenko before the most violent scenes in Come and See. He was worried that these dreadful experiences would addle his immature mind. Equally Klimov said in an interview (available on YouTube), "[Kravchenko's acting] could have had a very lamentable ending. He could have landed in an insane asylum."

In the end, Kravchenko did some autogenic training, only refused to be hypnotized. He ended up experiencing all these shocking scenes for real.

v. Come and See'due south picture quality is dark and gritty

Come and See was shot entirely with natural lighting. Because of this, scenes shot in naturally darker locations, similar in the forests, were captured with a faster-than-normal film stock. The effect is that the film picture is dark and grainy. This gritty quality of the motion picture pairs well with the grim subject field affair information technology covers.

half dozen. The motion picture's proper name was originally Kill Hitler

Originally, the movie was to be titled Kill Hitler. All the same, this was accounted inappropriate at the time. Instead, Klimov chose the title, Come up and See, coming from the sixth affiliate of the Book of Revelation. That bleak bible passage ends with the line: "For the swell twenty-four hours of his wrath is come; and who shall exist able to stand?" (Revelation 6:17 KJV).

vii. Klimov himself experienced WWII

Elem Klimov

Born and raised in Stalingrad, Elem Klimov was evacuated from the city as a male child, while the infamous WWII battle there was raging. In interviews, he confirmed that his wartime feel influenced Come and Come across.

On top of that, his co-scriptwriter, Ales Adamovich, experienced WWII not dissimilarly from Come and Come across'southward Florya. During WWII, Adamovich was the aforementioned age equally Florya in the movie. What'southward more, he and his family fought as partisans in Belarus against the Germans.

8. Belarus suffered more than than any land in WWII

Near people know that the Soviet Union had the greatest loss of life of any other nation during WWII. Even so, non everyone realizes that the worst hit Soviet republic in percentage terms was Belarus. Co-ordinate to Russian historian Vadim Erlikman's volume, Poteri narodonaseleniia v Xx veke («Потери народонаселения в Twenty веке», or "Population loss in the Xx century"), Belarus lost 25% of its total population during the war, and mostly from civilian deaths. The total number of deaths in Republic of belarus is reported to have exceeded 2 meg.

When you lookout Come and See, put these statistics into perspective. The movie'due south plot is not an isolated incident – it happened thousands and thousands of times over several years in Belarus. In the closing moments of the movie, when the grouping of Soviet partisans are marching away, they're not exiting a victory or defeat. Instead, they're moving on from one nightmare to the adjacent.

9. SPOILER – the barn scene really happened

Of all the shocking scenes in Come and See, the one that strains credulity the near is the horrifying church called-for sequence. An SS brigade, with the assist of local collaborators, rounds up an entire village into a church building and burns them alive.

However horrifying the sequence is, it contains no embellishment or exaggeration. This type of atrocity by Nazis against Jews and Slavs is well-documented on the Eastern Front. Equally an intertitle at the end of Come and Run into shares, "628 Belorussian villages were burnt to the ground with all their inhabitants."

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