Funny Short Bday Poems for Best Friend S

Best friend short poem about friendship and life

Birthday Poems for Best Friends: Forget the lame one-liners – a greeting card for your BFF's birthday should be packed with super cute rhymes and short poems. Just think of all the sweet memories and funny moments of your friendship and pen them down, line after line and weave it up into a rhyme. Take a selfie with your poem and post it up on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Spend the whole day pestering your bae with wishes and messages on text, WhatsApp and what not! Follow it up with a nice gift, hugs and a party that you both will remember for a lifetime.

1) I can't change the past

Nor do I want to

Every day is a new start

When spent with you

A beautiful journey

A road with no end

Is what life is, when

Lived with a real friend

Happy Birthday

2) I've spoken many lies

I've broken many promises

I've picked up many fights

I've given you bad memories

Yet, through this chaos

By my side, you've stood strong

Backing me all the time

Even when you know I was wrong

What did I do to deserve

Such a loyal friend, I have no clue

But one thing's for sure, my life

Is nothing without you

Happy birthday

3) There've been fights aplenty

There've been massive arguments

There've been times when we didn't talk

There've been dark moments

From smiles to tears

From happiness to strife

Friendship isn't an easy ride, but I

Wouldn't trade it for anything else in life


4) What I am today is not

My doing alone

There is another reason

For the way in which I've grown

How my life has shaped up

Owes itself to many things

One of them being you

A best friend, who's given me wings

My life, is incomplete

Without your contribution

That's my toast to you

On your birthday celebration

Happy birthday

Birthday Poem about Facebook Twitter Instagram Reddit Google

5) Twitter, is where the celebs hang out

Facebook, is the most popular social network

Reddit, is the face of the internet

But you, make my life tick like clockwork

Instagram, is where the selfies are slaying it

Google, is where life's answers are found

YouTube, is where stars of tomorrow are born

But you, are what makes my world go round

Happy birthday

6) Wishes made on birthdays

Always come true

That is why I wish

The very best for you

I hope that you achieve

Everything you seek

There should never be a moment

In your life, sad or bleak

I wish that you soar to new heights

And wade into uncharted territory

For you know well, that you can

Always fall back on me

Happy birthday

7) Our friendship, has no shape

It can't be measured with a tape

Our friendship, flows like water

It adapts according to, situation and matter

Our friendship, tastes like cake

It is sweet, cute and never fake

Our friendship, feels genuine and true

Here's wishing, a happy birthday to you

8) On your birthday, I want to make a promise

Any celebration of your life, I will never miss

I also want to let you know

During tough times, I will never ever let go

I also want to express

That I wish you nothing but success

And no matter where I am, come what may

I'll always drop by, to say Happy Birthday


You are my best friend poem with sunset beautiful picture

9) Been through a lot in life

We have, together

Not a single regret I have

Not now, not never

Best Friends, meant to be

Is what we really are

Through good times and bad

You're my life's brightest star

Happy birthday

10) Best friends help each other shine

And listen to each other whine

Best friends help each other heal

And share all that they feel

Best friends have each other's back

To keep each other's lives on track

Best friends, are a pair in a million

In my life, you are the chosen on

Happy birthday

11) Whenever I felt down in the dumps

You reminded me of my worth

Of fun, happiness and smiles

You've never created a dearth

Whenever I felt that the world

Was weighing down upon me

You reminded me to laugh

And take things lightly

Whenever anything was wrong

You reminded of things that were right

No matter how dark a storm life throws

I can never have you, out of my sight

Happy birthday

12) With you by my side

A dark night becomes a bright dawn

Without you, even the best of days

Become boring and full of yawns

Your effect on my life

Is way too profound to describe

All I know is that best friends like us

Are a very rare tribe

Happy birthday

Friends forever poem about destiny and faith in friendship

13) Nothing in life, nothing ever

Last forever

As bitter as it may sound

It's a fact, that will change, never

I know, there will come a day

When our lives will drift apart

But no matter what, destiny will

Always give us a new start

Such is the indestructible faith

That I have in you, my friend

For eternity, together we will be

Even if time itself, comes to an end

Happy birthday

14) I love being your best friend

It is the easiest thing to do

I just have to be myself

And do all the cool stuff with you

Hanging out with you is awesome

It drives my worries away

May all your dreams come true

Is my wish on your birthday

15) One more birthday

One more reason

Yet another motive

One more occasion

One more sweet cause

Another special event

One more instance

Yet another special moment

To celebrate our friendship

And our togetherness

May the coming year

Bring you lots of happiness

Happy birthday

16) May we never fight

Regardless of wrong and right

May we never separate

Through quarrels or through fate

May we never play the blame game

Between best friends, that is too lame

May we always be together

Forever, supporting each other

These promises, we must make

To each other, before we cut the cake

So we can be best friends for life

Striding through bliss as well as strife

Happy birthday

Sweet birthday greeting card for someone special

17) A beautiful morning, bright and cheery day

Just watching the wind, making all the trees sway

A tranquil sunset, after a breezy afternoon

Weather, just right, to hum a lovely tune

Such amazing feelings, to my life, you bring

Deep within, my soul wants to dance and sing

Happy birthday

18) It was always in my destiny

To be your friend, not your enemy

Fate had already decided for us both

To like each other, never loathe

Best friends, we were meant to be

You are my life, can't you see?

Happy birthday

19) Without you, my life

Would have been a bore

Not having anyone to share stuff with

Would have made me feel sore

Because of you

I look forward to each day

Hoping to hang out together

In the sun, aimlessly lay

In the true sense, you are

My best friend forever

I hope that life never keeps

Us apart from each other


20) The reason behind my smile

Is not money or success

The reason behind my smile

Is not promotion or progress

The reason behind my smile

Is not a new car or a new dress

The real reason behind my smile

Is you, my bestie, I confess

Happy birthday

Birthday poem for best friends

21) The meaning of friendship

The world thinks that it knows

But it's only me and you

Who know the real highs and lows

Everyone thinks that being best friends

Is a matter of fun and games

What they don't know is that it's a mix

Of laughs, fights, smiles and blames

But I am proud that we have stood

The test of time and won

Without you as my best friend

My life would have come undone

Happy birthday

22) We are friends for a reason

We have lasted through every season

Through times good and bad

Whether we were happy and sad

Unshakeable, despite a rough past

The test of time, our friendship will last

I'll always be there for you, I want you to know

No matter what, happiness will always flow

Happy birthday

23) Best friends like you

Are more precious than gold

Our bond is so strong

All kinds of troubles it can withhold

Wishing a happy birthday

To my bae, to my dearest friend

With this poem

Lots of love and hugs I send

24) I don't believe that best friends never fight

I believe it is exactly, what they're meant to do

I don't believe that friendship is perfect

It's always about, compromises to go through

I don't believe in many such stereotypes

Or any such labels or cliché

All I know is that I am that true friend

By your side, who will always stay

Happy birthday

Sweet birthday card poem for best friend

25) Best Friends Forever

Is the only way to describe us

We get along with each other

Without any problems or fuss

Our friendship is like time

It will never have an end

I wouldn't have it any other way

Except have you as my best friend

Happy birthday

26) A friend brings light into life

A best friend brings a halo

A friend makes life shine

A best friend brings a glow

A friend brings fun and happiness

A best friend makes life worthy

For blessing me with such a friend

I thank the Almighty

Happy birthday

27) Best friends like you

Are a treasure chest

In your company I can put

All my worries to rest

With you, nights turn into parties

And days turn into fun fests

Have an awesome birthday

For you, I wish the best

28) As my best friend

You are entitled to

An awesome gift

From me to you

As your best friend

I am entitled to

An awesome party

To me from you


Cute birthday poem for bff

29) Everything under the sun

We have always talked about

For each other we have

Been there without a doubt

Everything under the roof

We both have gone through

You have been there with me

And I have supported you

No other anecdotes

To you I need to narrate

Our friendship in itself

Is a reason to celebrate

Happy birthday

30) It's selfie time

Let's look in the camera and say cheese

It's party time

Let's make some awesome memories

It's celebration time

Let's spend the night away

It's that amazing time

When we celebrate your birthday



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